DEV 40 DEVOPS 14 HomeAssistant 1 SECURITY 1 DEV GCC compiler amd64 VS arm64 discrepancy in calculations IBM z/OS various notes PHP - sodium encrypt & decrypt Symfony - execute time consuming process in ‘background’ EasyAdmin - DateFilter API Platform custom controller PHP - regex various Git - various notes OpenAPI & Swagger-UI PostgreSQL - check table definition PostgreSQL - kill all processes except my own connection PostgreSQL - check current DB operations PostgreSQL Doctrine type for serialized compressed object PostgreSQL Doctrine type for serialized object Calculation of Eastern and Corpus Christi holidays in Poland Parse text (ala ini file) with delimiter to array Xdebug config SymfonyWorld Online 2020 EasyAdmin - Doctrine DECIMAL as float Color picker for EasyAdmin - simple Mercure - part 3 - example project Mercure - part 2 - JWT Mercure - part 1 - install and run Testing API with Blackfire Player - JSON response Using make (Makefile) to automate development Doctrine fixtures in different place than src/DataFixtures PhpStorm - settings: vmoptions CsvIterator PhpStorm - monolog in colours Garmin Connect IQ SDK - Ubuntu 18 GIT pre-commit hook Symfony - counting large number of entities FAST Install latest version of Postman Find difference between two Doctrine Collection of objects Ramsey Uuid as Entity id Symfony and PostGIS Api-Platform Swagger UI schema definition PHP Coding Convention Cached Entity Repository PHPUnit - testing private methods Back to Top ↑ DEVOPS Sealing keys in bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets Mini PC homelab GitHub runner in LXD container snap LXD problem - container doesn’t start Dell XPS-15 Ubuntu fingerprint reader PostgreSQL + PostGIS little speed up for QGIS Linux Encrypted drive - notes 1 Linux TTF fonts manual install Yubico key gpg trouble LXD dnsmasq as the whole resolver Latest CURL from source LXD - problem to delete container Restore rEFInd Boot Manager on MS Windows Auto-starting VirtualBox VMs on OS X Back to Top ↑ HomeAssistant Home Assistant logs in OpenObserve - part 1 Back to Top ↑ SECURITY YubiKey 5 NFC - configuration reference Back to Top ↑